Our 89th Season: "Great Expectations"
The North Shore Choral Society’s season of GREATs opens on November 9 with a concert of choral settings of great literature like Randall Thompson's Frostiana! April brings a collaboration with the Evanston Symphony Orchestra on Brahms' German Requiem, and we conclude the season with the Chicago premiere of beloved American composer Gwyneth Walker's new cantata, The Great Lakes! Tickets go on sale September 11 - Don’t miss this GREAT season.
Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024 7 pm
Literary Greats
Sharon Rich Peterson, pianist
First Presbyterian Church of Evanston
Literary Greats
Sharon Rich Peterson, pianist
First Presbyterian Church of Evanston
Our opening concert covers choral settings from great works of literature: from William Shakespeare to Emily Dickenson; from Martin Luther to Maya Angelou; and from the Book of Psalms to Alice in Wonderland! It features Randall Thompson’s Frostiana, a setting of poems by Robert Frost.
Sunday, April 6, 2025 2:30pm
A Great Masterwork
Ein Deutches Requiem with the Evanston Symphony Orchestra
Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, Northwestern University
A Great Masterwork
Ein Deutches Requiem with the Evanston Symphony Orchestra
Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, Northwestern University
Johannes Brahms’ German Requiem has been called “A Human Requiem.” In contrast to the many musical requiems which take their text from the Latin Mass, Brahms has created his libretto from the Lutheran Bible. Its focus is on offering comfort and hope to the living. Purchase tickets for this concert from the ESO at this link.
Sunday, June 8, 2025 4pm
The Chicago premiere of Gwyneth Walker's
The Great Lakes
Pre-concert talk with composer, 3pm
Moderated by WFMT's Oliver Camacho
Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston
With full orchestra and soloists
Michelle Areyzaga, soprano; Sadie Cheslak, alto; Oliver Camacho, tenor; and
David Govertsen, bass
The Chicago premiere of Gwyneth Walker's
The Great Lakes
Pre-concert talk with composer, 3pm
Moderated by WFMT's Oliver Camacho
Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston
With full orchestra and soloists
Michelle Areyzaga, soprano; Sadie Cheslak, alto; Oliver Camacho, tenor; and
David Govertsen, bass
Composer Gwyneth Walker describes The Great Lakes as “a musical journey across the magnificent five lakes bordering the Eastern US and Canada. Texts by American and Canadian poets have been selected as lyrics for this cantata. The journey moves from East (Lake Ontario) to West (Lake Superior), stopping to explore the unique character of each lake en route.”
Join NSCS for a season of GREATs! Purchase tickets here.