North Shore Choral Society reaches out to …
The Evanston community
North Shore Choral Society facilitates an interactive music and arts activities program, Arts Reach Evanston, for children in the Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center's after-school program in Evanston’s underserved Fifth Ward. Enthusiastic NSCS volunteers and guest artists spend an hour each week with children ages 5-12, engaging them in activities such as rhythm and drumming, dance and movement.
Active participation in the arts allows the children to cultivate their own voices and sense of agency, while strengthening skills in listening, focus, language, and collaboration.
Active participation in the arts allows the children to cultivate their own voices and sense of agency, while strengthening skills in listening, focus, language, and collaboration.
After our first year of visiting artists, it became clear that an artist residency model would be the most effective in building a trusting environment for the children to participate in the arts. In the fall, we welcomed Mudlark Theater’s Dru Smith, an actor, teacher, director, and writer, who engaged the children in eight weeks of improve games. Most recently, Dru was joined by his Mudlark colleague Felix Mayes for a residency in musical theater skills, taught via structured play activities.
The North Shore Choral Society is committed to our relationship with the children of Fleetwood-Jourdain and to continue discovering ways to bring engagement with the arts to them. Your donations to NSCS help support this program.
Other performing groups
NSCS once again joined the Evanston Symphony Orchestra in their traditional holiday program, An Evanston Symphony Christmas, on Sunday, December 10, 2023. NSCS performed a rousing arrangement of Carol of the Bells for choir and orchestra, Kim Andre Arnesen's I Will Light Candles this Christmas, Gloria in Excelsis from the Vivaldi Gloria, and the joyous Hallelujah Chorus with Evanston Symphony Holiday Gospel Choir.
Music lovers in retirement communities
NSCS always enjoys our annual concert at Three Crowns Park in Evanston. On December 17, 2023, residents and guests enjoyed selections from our fall concert as well as a holiday sing-a-long.
The arts community
NCSC continues to be an active participant in the Evanston Arts scene, meeting in a variety of settings with local arts organizations. We continue to address racial inequity in Evanston with the goal of improving the diversity and inclusiveness of our respective organizations.